Summary Statistics


We are releasing the summary data from our GWAMA of PCSK9 levels, pending on acceptance of our publication, to empower other researchers to examine variants or loci in which they are interested for associations. These data are intended for research purposes only.

Citation: tba

When using this data acknowledge the source as follows: 'Data on PCSK9 has been downloaded from'

For any enquiries about the datasets, please contact Janne Pott ( or Markus Scholz (

We make three data sets available:

  1. Containing statistics regarding the analyses of PCSK9 level in Europeans adjusted for statin treatment.
  2. Containing statistics regarding the analyses of PCSK9 level in Europeans not on statin treatment.
  3. Containing statistics regarding the analyses of PCSK9 level in African-American not on statin treatment (only the PCSK9 locus).

Files are in text delimited format and include:

  • markername
  • chr
  • bp_hg19 (base position according to hg19)
  • ea (effect allele)
  • oa (other allele)
  • eaf (weighted effect allele frequency)
  • info (minimal info score across all used studies)
  • nSamples
  • nStudies
  • beta
  • se
  • p
  • phenotype

LHA ID: 88N2XVDV54-6

Experimental assay

Janne Pott

Projects: Genetical Statistics and Systems Biology, LIFE Adult, LIFE Heart

Investigation: OMICS Investigations


Assay position:

Resource type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: SNP Array

Human Diseases: atherosclerosis

help Creators and Submitter

Views: 1832

Created: 13th Sep 2021 at 08:59

Last updated: 13th Sep 2021 at 12:56

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