Details about this human disease
Synonyms (1)infectious disease
Definitions (1)
A disease that is the consequence of the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions.
Related items
Coordinating investigator: Prof. Dr. Florian van Bömmel Sektion Hepatologie, Klinik und Poliklinik für Gastroenterologie und Rheumatologie, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
Sponsor Universität Leipzig Ritterstr. 26, 04109 Leipzig
EudraCT: 2013-004882-15 DRKS: DRKS00006240
Programme: University Leipzig (Sponsor)
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Human Diseases: hepatitis B
This project serves as a container for all COVID-19 related assets, developed at the University of Leipzig and its partners.
Programme: NFDI - German National Research Data Infrastructure
Public web page:
Start date: 20th May 2020
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Goal of the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) is the investigation of civilization diseases like depression, diabetes, allergies or cardiovascular diseases. For this purpose we collect as much data as possible regarding health and living conditions of the population in Leipzig and provide these data for scientists of the University of Leipzig and other research institutions.
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2009
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page: Not specified
Start date: 1st Jan 2017
Organisms: Not specified
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
As an interdisciplinary network of scientists, the SepNet study group deals with the topics of severe sepsis and septic shock. The aim of the network is to create the prerequisites for better clinical and experimental research into sepsis and thus to develop efficient treatment approaches.
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2003
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
A collection of Bulletins of the Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE) about the COVID-19 pandemic in Leipzig and Saxony. This work was funded in the framework of the project SaxoCOV (Saxonian COVID-19 Research Consortium, SaxoCOV was financed by the Free State of Saxony).”
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Covid-19
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Data files: RKI COVID-19 Data, RKI COVID-19 Data German districts, RKI COVID-19 Data for German federal states, Risklayer COVID-19 Data
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Covid-19
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: SISPCT
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Data files: SISPCT Metadata, SISPCT Metadata-ODM
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: SISPCT
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: MAXSEP
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Data files: MAXSEP Metadata, MAXSEP Metadata-ODM
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: MAXSEP
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Snapshots: No snapshots
The role of intensive insulin therapy in patients with severe sepsis is uncertain. Fluid resuscitation improves survival among patients with septic shock, but evidence is lacking to support the choice of either crystalloids or colloids. We compared intensive insulin therapy with conventional insulin therapy and HES with Ringer’s lactate.
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Efficacy of Volume Substitution and Insulin The...
Study: VISEP
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Data files: VISEP Endpoint, VISEP Endpoint-ODM, VISEP Endpoint-SPSS, VISEP V-PAT, VISEP V-PAT-ODM, VISEP V-PAT-SPSS, VISEP V-VERL-join, VISEP V-VERL-join-ODM, VISEP V-VERL-join-SPSS, VISEP haemo_join, VISEP haemo_join-ODM, VISEP haemo_join-SPSS
Snapshots: No snapshots
The role of intensive insulin therapy in patients with severe sepsis is uncertain. Fluid resuscitation improves survival among patients with septic shock, but evidence is lacking to support the choice of either crystalloids or colloids. We compared intensive insulin therapy with conventional insulin therapy and HES with Ringer’s lactate.
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Efficacy of Volume Substitution and Insulin The...
Study: VISEP
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Data files: VISEP Endpoint Metadata, VISEP Endpoint Metadata-ODM, VISEP V-PAT Metadata, VISEP V-PAT Metadata-ODM, VISEP V-VERL-join Metadata, VISEP V-VERL-join Metadata-ODM, VISEP haemo_join Metadata, VISEP haemo_join Metadata-ODM
Snapshots: No snapshots
Adjunctive hydrocortisone (HC) therapy is suggested by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign in refractory septic shock only. The case for septic patients without shock remains controversial. We investigated the efficacy of HC in patients with severe sepsis without shock
Restricted Trial Data
Submitter: Christoph Beger
Resource type: Result Dataset of Clinical Study
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: HYPRESS
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Data files: HYPRESS Trial Data (Excel), HYPRESS Trial Data (SPSS), Hypress Trial Data (ODM)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Y. Kheifetz, H. Kirsten, M. Scholz
PubMed ID: 35891447
Citation: Viruses. 2022 Jul 2;14(7). pii: v14071468. doi: 10.3390/v14071468.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: H. Loeffler-Wirth, M. Schmidt, H. Binder
PubMed ID: 32698418
Citation: Viruses. 2020 Jul 20;12(7). pii: v12070777. doi: 10.3390/v12070777.
Authors: Stefan Hagel, Julia Gantner, Cord Spreckelsen, Claudia Fischer, Danny Ammon, Kutaiba Saleh, Lo An Phan-Vogtmann, Andrew Heidel, Susanne Müller, Alexander Helhorn, Henner Kruse, Eric Thomas, Florian Rißner, Silke Haferkamp, Jens Vorwerk, Saskia Deffge, Marc Fabian Juzek-Küpper, Norman Lippmann, Christoph Lübbert, Henning Trawinski, Sebastian Wendt, Thomas Wendt, Andreas Dürschmid, Margarethe Konik, Stefan Moritz, Daniel Tiller, Rainer Röhrig, Jonas Schulte-Coerne, Jonas Fortmann, Stephan Jonas, Oliver Witzke, Peter-Michael Rath, Mathias W Pletz, André Scherag
Date Published: 10th Feb 2020
Publication Type: Journal article
Human Diseases: staphyloenterotoxemia
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033391
Citation: BMJ Open 10(2):e033391
Authors: Miriam Kesselmeier, André Scherag
Date Published: 30th Oct 2018
Publication Type: Journal article
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
Citation: Front. Immunol. 9,2507
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: L. Hopp, H. Loeffler-Wirth, L. Nersisyan, A. Arakelyan, H. Binder
Date Published: 2nd Aug 2018
Publication Type: Not specified
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent, pneumonia
PubMed ID: 30065722
Citation: Front Immunol. 2018 Jul 17;9:1620. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01620. eCollection 2018.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Frank Bloos, Hendrik Rüddel, Daniel Thomas-Rüddel, Daniel Schwarzkopf, Christine Pausch, Stephan Harbarth, Torsten Schreiber, Matthias Gründling, John Marshall, Philipp Simon, Mitchell M. Levy, Manfred Weiss, Andreas Weyland, Herwig Gerlach, Tobias Schürholz, Christoph Engel, Claudia Matthäus-Krämer, Christian Scheer, Friedhelm Bach, Reimer Riessen, Bernhard Poidinger, Karin Dey, Norbert Weiler, Andreas Meier-Hellmann, Helene H. Häberle, Gabriele Wöbker, Udo X. Kaisers, Konrad Reinhart
Date Published: 1st Nov 2017
Publication Type: Journal article
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
DOI: 10.1007/s00134-017-4782-4
Citation: Intensive Care Med 43(11):1602-1612
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Dirk Schädler, Christine Pausch, Daniel Heise, Andreas Meier-Hellmann, Jörg Brederlau, Norbert Weiler, Gernot Marx, Christian Putensen, Claudia Spies, Achim Jörres, Michael Quintel, Christoph Engel, John A. Kellum, Martin K. Kuhlmann
Date Published: 30th Oct 2017
Publication Type: Journal article
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187015
Citation: PLoS ONE 12(10):e0187015
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: D. Keh, E. Trips, G. Marx, S. P. Wirtz, E. Abduljawwad, S. Bercker, H. Bogatsch, J. Briegel, C. Engel, H. Gerlach, A. Goldmann, S. O. Kuhn, L. Huter, A. Meier-Hellmann, A. Nierhaus, S. Kluge, J. Lehmke, M. Loeffler, M. Oppert, K. Resener, D. Schadler, T. Schuerholz, P. Simon, N. Weiler, A. Weyland, K. Reinhart, F. M. Brunkhorst
Date Published: 1st Nov 2016
Publication Type: Journal article
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
PubMed ID: 27695824
Citation: JAMA. 2016 Nov 1;316(17):1775-1785. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.14799.
Abstract (Expand)
Date Published: 1st Oct 2016
Publication Type: Journal article
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
PubMed ID: 27686355
DOI: 10.1007/s00134-016-4504-3
Citation: Intensive Care Med. 2016 Dec;42(12):1980-1989. doi: 10.1007/s00134-016-4504-3. Epub 2016 Sep 29.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: F. Bloos, E. Trips, A. Nierhaus, J. Briegel, D. K. Heyland, U. Jaschinski, O. Moerer, A. Weyland, G. Marx, M. Grundling, S. Kluge, I. Kaufmann, K. Ott, M. Quintel, F. Jelschen, P. Meybohm, S. Rademacher, A. Meier-Hellmann, S. Utzolino, U. X. Kaisers, C. Putensen, G. Elke, M. Ragaller, H. Gerlach, K. Ludewig, M. Kiehntopf, H. Bogatsch, C. Engel, F. M. Brunkhorst, M. Loeffler, K. Reinhart
Date Published: 1st Sep 2016
Publication Type: Journal article
Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent
PubMed ID: 27428731
Citation: JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Sep 1;176(9):1266-76. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.2514.
Risklayer Explorer is a collaboration between Risklayer GmbH and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology's Center for Disaster Risk Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDM).
Creator: René Hänsel
Submitter: René Hänsel
Data file type: Geographical Data
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Investigations: Covid-19
Studies: Covid-19 Data Source Research
Resources: Covid-19 Data Sources Germany
Creator: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Submitter: René Hänsel
Data file type: Geographical Data
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Investigations: Covid-19
Studies: Covid-19 Data Source Research
Resources: Covid-19 Data Sources worldwide
Creator: Johns Hopkins University
Submitter: René Hänsel
Data file type: Geographical Data
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Investigations: Covid-19
Studies: Covid-19 Data Source Research
Resources: Covid-19 Data Sources worldwide
Creator: Robert Koch Institute
Submitter: René Hänsel
Data file type: Geographical Data
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Investigations: Covid-19
Studies: Covid-19 Data Source Research
Resources: Covid-19 Data Sources Germany
Feature service with the current Covid-19 infections per 100,000 inhabitants on the German federal states. The service is updated daily with the current case numbers of the Robert Koch Institute.
Data source: Robert Koch Institute Terms of Use: Robert Koch Institute; German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy Source note: Robert Koch-Institute (RKI), dl-en/by-2-0 Disclaimer: "The content made available on the Internet pages of the Robert Koch-Institute is intended solely for the general ...
Creator: Robert Koch Institute
Submitter: René Hänsel
Data file type: Not specified
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Investigations: Covid-19
Studies: Covid-19 Data Source Research
Resources: Covid-19 Data Sources Germany
Feature service with the current Covid-19 infections per 100,000 inhabitants on the German districts. The service is updated daily with the current case numbers of the Robert Koch Institute.
Data source: Robert Koch Institute Terms of Use: Robert Koch Institute; German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy Source note: Robert Koch-Institute (RKI), dl-en/by-2-0 Disclaimer: "The content made available on the Internet pages of the Robert Koch-Institute is intended solely for the general information ...
Creator: Robert Koch Institute
Submitter: René Hänsel
Data file type: Not specified
Human Diseases: COVID-19
Investigations: Covid-19
Studies: Covid-19 Data Source Research
Resources: Covid-19 Data Sources Germany
Age-stratified numbers of COVID-19 testpositives and deaths
This work was done as part of the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 ( We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project Number 451265285.
Creators: Holger Kirsten, René Hänsel
Submitter: René Hänsel
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: R package
Environment: Shiny
Organism: Homo sapiens
Human Disease: COVID-19
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Resources: No Resources
A principled approach to parametrize SIR-type epidemiologic models of different complexities by embedding the model structure as a hidden layer into a general Input-Output Non-Linear Dynamical System (IO-NLDS). Non-explicitly modelled impacts on the system are imposed as inputs of the system. Observable data are coupled to hidden states of the model by appropriate data models considering possible biases of the data. We estimate model parameters including their time-dependence by a Bayesian knowledge ...
Creators: Markus Scholz, Holger Kirsten, Yuri Kheifetz
Submitter: Holger Kirsten
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: R package
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Not specified
Human Disease: COVID-19
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Resources: No Resources
The Covid‐19 viewer provides an intuitive tool to monitor the development of the pandemic in 188 countries using simple plots. The tool is interactive and enables the user to select different plots for single countries, groups or all of them. It visualizes descriptive features such as slopes or flattening behaviour of epidemic numbers and of their increments to allow a qualitative justification of the current state of the pandemic, e.g. whether it is growing exponentially, stopped due to counter ...
Creators: Hans Binder, Henry Löffler-Wirth
Submitter: Henry Löffler-Wirth
Model type: Not specified
Model format: R package
Environment: Shiny
Organism: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Human Disease: COVID-19
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Resources: No Resources