Covid-19 Viewer
Version 1

The Covid‐19 viewer provides an intuitive tool to monitor the development of the pandemic in 188 countries using simple plots. The tool is interactive and enables the user to select different plots for single countries, groups or all of them. It visualizes descriptive features such as slopes or flattening behaviour of epidemic numbers and of their increments to allow a qualitative justification of the current state of the pandemic, e.g. whether it is growing exponentially, stopped due to counter measures or if exponential growth is restored after temporal flattening.

LHA ID: 82A3QAR02J-6

1 item is associated with this Model:

Human Disease: Covid-19

Model type: Not specified

Model format: R package

Execution or visualisation environment: Shiny

Model image: No image specified

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Views: 4616

Created: 20th May 2020 at 12:05

Last updated: 20th May 2020 at 12:50

Last used: 27th Jul 2024 at 03:47

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Version History

Version 1 Created 20th May 2020 at 12:05 by Henry Löffler-Wirth

No revision comments

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