Web page: https://www.uniklinikum-leipzig.de
Country: Germany
City: Leipzig
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, AöR
Liebigstraße 18, Haus B
04103 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 341 - 97 109
Fax: +49 341 - 97 15909
E-Mail: presse@uniklinik-leipzig.de
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LIFE Child wants to find out how environmental factors and lifestyles can affect the health of children and adolescents. The aim of the study is to examine civilization diseases such as allergies, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases in more detail. Furthermore, the study also focuses on healthy mental and physical development from the infant to the young adult. The team of the LIFE Child study around Prof. Dr. med. Wieland Kiess would like to examine and question about 5,000 subjects aged ...
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page: http://www.life-child.de/
Start date: 1st Jan 2009
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Human Diseases: disease of anatomical entity, disease of mental health, disease of metabolism
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Public web page: https://www.smith.care/
Start date: 1st Jan 2018
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Projects: LHA - Leipzig Health Atlas, Onto-Med Research Group, SMITH - Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare, Task Force COVID-19 Leipzig, NFDI4Health, LIFE Child, LIFE - Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, Project Test Demonstrator
Institutions: Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE), Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, AöR, invalid

Expertise: data integration, ruby, r, java, perl
Profile image source: Swen Reichhold
Projects: SMITH - Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare
Institutions: Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, AöR
Projects: LIFE Heart, LIFE - Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, LIFE HNC - Head and Neck Cancer Group, SepNet - German Competence Network Sepsis, GC-HNPCC - German Consortium for Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer, LIFE Child, GC-HBOC - German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, LIFE Adult
Web page: https://www.uniklinikum-leipzig.de/einrichtungen/life
The medical informatics initiative was created to close the gap between research and healthcare. All of Germany’s university hospitals have joined forces with research institutions, businesses, health insurers, and patient advocacy groups to create a framework that harnesses research findings to the direct benefit of patients. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is investing around 160 million euros in the programme through 2021. The digitisation of medicine is creating ...
Projects: Methodical Use Case PheP, SMITH - Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare, POLAR - Polypharmacy, Drug Interactions, Risks