
228 Publications visible to you, out of a total of 228


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Authors: K. Buckow, D. Ammon, R. Bild, M. Boeker, T. Ganslandt, B. Haarbrandt, S. Haferkamp, U. Sax, J. Schepers, B. Schreiweis, H. Stenzhorn

Date Published: 2019

Publication Type: InBook


Not specified

Authors: Matthias Löbe, O. Beyan, Sebastian Stäubert, Frank A. Meineke, D. Ammon, Alfred Winter, S. Deckert, Markus Löffler, Toralf Kirsten

Date Published: 2019

Publication Type: InProceedings

Abstract (Expand)

Many healthcare IT systems in Germany are unable to interoperate with other systems through standardised data formats. Therefore it is difficult to store and retrieve data and to establish a systematic collection of data with provenance across systems and even healthcare institutions. We outline the concept for a Transformation Pipeline that can act as a processor for proprietary medical data formats from multiple sources. Through a modular construction, the pipeline relies on different data extraction and data enrichment modules as well as on interfaces to external definitions for interoperability standards. The developed solution is extendable and reusable, enabling data transformation independent from current format definitions and entailing the opportunity of collaboration with other research groups.

Authors: Lo An Phan-Vogtmann, A. Helborn, Henner M. Kruse, E. Thomas, Andrew J. Heidel, K. Saleh, F. Rissner, M. Specht, A. Henkel, A. Scherag, D. Ammon

Date Published: 2019

Publication Type: Journal article


Not specified

Authors: B. Schreiweis, D. Ammon, M. Sedlmayr, F. Albashiti, T. Wendt

Date Published: 2019

Publication Type: InBook


Not specified

Authors: S. Zabka, D. Ammon, T. Ganslandt, J. E. Gewehr, C. Haverkamp, S. Kiefer, H. Lautenbacher, Matthias Löbe, S. Thun, M. Boeker

Date Published: 2019

Publication Type: InProceedings

Abstract (Expand)

Introduction: Evidence-based health informatics needs easy access to published health IT evaluation studies. The indexing of health IT evaluation studies by using MeSH terms is not specific enough which makes retrieval difficult [ref:1]. To solve this problem, we want to support the retrieval[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]

Authors: Verena Dornauer, Maryam Ghalandari, Konrad Höffner, Franziska Jahn, Alfred Winter, Elske Ammenwerth

Date Published: 2019

Publication Type: Misc


Not specified

Authors: Konrad Höffner, Franziska Jahn, Anna Lörke, Thomas Pause, Birgit Schneider, Elske Ammenwerth, Alfred Winter

Date Published: 2019

Publication Type: InCollection

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